Recent months have seen England Football reveal the details of the new “England Football Accredited” framework. This new framework will replace the “FA Charter Standard” scheme you’ll all be familiar with.

If you’re yet to get to grips with it then don’t worry. Here’s an overview of what England Accredited is and how it will work…

What is England Football Accredited?

England Football Accredited is the new framework for League and Club accreditation, and replaces The FA Charter Standard.

Essentially, it aims to recognise the clubs and leagues that help raise the bar for football in their local communities. And further to that, help them to continue raising it.

It aims to ensure that football is used as a tool to unite and welcomes everyone, regardless of background, ability, skin colour, gender, sexual orientation or age.

The framework will help your club or league to remain both sustainable and safe. Allowing you to offer the best possible experiences for everyone involved.


What does an England Accredited Club or League look like?

  • You offer all players – whether male and/or female and/or disability players – of all ages the opportunity to fully access the best that the beautiful game has to offer. In a well run, safe and sustainable environment.
  • Your infrastructure is sound, robust, efficient and effective, centring around the Respect standards and behaviours.
  • Accreditation is also a clear signal to your community that you value the importance of being sustainable and built to last off the pitch.
  • You want the very best for everybody: your players, coaches, spectators, volunteers, and officials. Everyone counts. Everyone is valued.

Raising Stars

Your club will be placed on a scale of one to three stars, based on you stage of development and infrastructure.

Achieving a higher star rating is all based on the pathways at your club for male, female and disabled football.

More information on this can be found on the Football England website or by contacting your local County FA.

England Football Network Strategy 2020-2030

The new England Football Accredited system underpins England Football’s long term strategy for developing the game over the next 10 years. They have made a commitment to making positive changes which will improve the sport for everyone.

Here are some of their key commitments:

  • To increase the number of male, female and disabled teams, putting pathways in place to deliver consistent and comprehensive opportunities to maximise the levels of enjoyment for all – regardless of gender, sexual orientation, skin colour or ability.
  • Improving facilities by ensuring that all football environments, from training grounds to classrooms to changing rooms, will be made safe and positive places that thrive on inclusivity and respect, making them key parts of the local community.
  • They will support, reward and diversify the grassroots volunteers and workforce, encouraging skills and diversity at all levels while developing the next generation. They will work to make football accessible for all, and for life.
  • They will support all Leagues and Clubs in the use of FA technology to keep them on top of their game: for more effective and efficient management and administration, while building an effective and supportive online community to learn and grow together by sharing knowledge.

Find out More

Hopefully this has given you a little flavour of what the new England Football Accreditation framework is all about.

If you’ve still got questions, check out the England Football website, where you can find more info and download the digital brochure. Your local County FA will also be able to help, as always.

And remember, the new England Football Accredited Nike Football is out now and available from us t 20% off! Click here to grab yours.

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